Thursday, September 4, 2008

I'm so excited!

I know some of you have seen my school / play room and think that I am set. But, when that room is turned upside down by my 4 children and toys are astray you can't walk across the room. Problem being is that most everything is at my two youngest children's level. I have ample organizational equipment, but they can still reach it! This is the perfect-to-be room where I can send them down to play and be entertained and not be fearful of the mess to come. But for now, I wait. Everyone has said that the room looks "fine" or "great." Through my eyes I see (screech-screech-screech (horror music)) when I can't open the door despite the toys or the pillows or the baby mattress strew across the floor for movie watching I have to do something! My bookshelves are sagging, the cubbies are overflowing and Everything is in EYE site. I can't work with this mess taunting me. Some of you might think I need to clean out. Well, I do that all the time. I love to loan out my stuff so that it doesn't just sit. I sale, I donate and I trash all the time with the stuff that we accumulate. I'm not afraid to let go. "Fly be free! Let someone else enjoy!"(My husbands motto on junk.)
I have to do something. So, being me, "a home for everything" kind of gal, I have been searching for a way to install closets or cabinets or something that would hide the stuff that we have and need. I finally went into the Habitat for Humanity and found a great deal on 2 above the cabinet units and one pantry "closet" thing. The unit will hide "behind closed doors" and I will still have my, no longer stuff but has now become, my home schooling supplies. Pray that I get it today. It will become so peaceful and not so stressful to be in the room. My supplies will be safe from my younger ones' hands and easier to stay even more organized! and at PEACE.
The calendar will be for the next posting.

1 comment:

MamaHen said...

Again, when are you coming to my house?!!

You have always been such a great organizer and cleaner. It is really amazing.