Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Getin' Organized

Well ladies,
It is time to get our homes organized. Remember that our Lord is not the lord of chaos. He wants us to care for the things that He has given us. So, lets start in the hub of the home...the food source, both tummy wise and spiritually... the kitchen. The Lord gave us so many wonderful foods to enjoy! We must keep our kitchens tidy and clean because our little ones, families and friends come to our home to eat and to share their hearts with us. This is our mission field, for those of us to stay at home and nurture. When someone comes into your home you need to remember your five senses! How does is look? Clean, tidy, and welcoming? or a disaster? Now, I am no June Clever, but a tidy sink makes the world of difference. It also makes a difference in the morning when you get up if you don't have to look at last night's dirty dishes! It is always a good idea to put what ever dish you just used in the washer right then. Don't leave it in the sink that just calls the germs to a feast! A clean sink is a welcoming site! Those Clorox wipes are wonderful. 1 quick swipe and don't forget behind the faucet the place is all spiffy!
I'm in the process of teaching my 2 oldest to clean the sink, not just clear the dishes from it. It is a try-try again story. One day when they are out on their own, their sinks will be clean and their doors will be open to who ever the Lord sends to sit at their tables.

1 comment:

MamaHen said...

Can you come to my house?