Saturday, February 18, 2012

Jerome's new career!

For all of those who have been waiting and praying with me for the past 4 years, God had has heard and answered our prayers for J to have a new career. I guess I shouldn't say it like that but God's plan has come into play for us. We just had to patiently and faithfully wait for Him to lay it out for us.

In December he went to a job fair in Birmingham. If you know J, he never meets a stranger and talks to everyone. And of course he did that day. A total stranger became a messenger of the Lord.
After a week of "training" with one of the local car dealerships and the lack of $5oo to say " a man is serious about a job that he was training for and will not leave the company to work for someone else after training..." J didn't get the position at this dealership. A blow to any man's spirit.
Determined that he was coming home with out a job, he had his daily talk with the Lord. Raising his request yet again. Praying continually and consistently and with thanksgiving. Asking the Lord for a career that would provide for his family in every way possible. And that God would be there to open every door and close all others.

Well, that day there was a job fair in town. He had already been to several that morning, mind you. All with disappointment and frustration. He calls home and lets me know what kind of day he had had and that he would give this last job fair presentation a try before he came home that evening.  We agreed and I wished him blessing. 

He went in and filled out all the necessary paperwork, turned in his resume, and waited his turn. In the meantime, remember how chatty he is, he meets a new pal and they share their job search stories and what ever else men talk about.  After a few moments, they were quiet and the man began to squirm in his seat. This was very obvious to J and probably rather odd.  The man finally says: (I'm paraphrasing due to poor memory!) "Man, I have to tell you something. God is making me do this." You know this has to be good right?! "God wants you to know that this is your job and that it will provide all that you will need for your family." Oh thank you Jesus!  These were the words that J had prayed that morning while driving to the fair. God is so good to confirm his plans to you, if you'll just listen!

Every time I tell this story I recall the little caterpillar on the Veggie Tales movie "Jonah."  He always said: "A message from the Lord..." with that funny little accent! Yea! We got our message from the Lord!
He has already spent two weeks there for training and physicals. All that necessary stuff. God put him with other Christian men to keep him accountable  and  then those men who need a Christian man to show them Christ.

Jerome has a witnessing heart. Now, I know we all should have a heart to share Christ. What I mean is that J can do it with so much more ease than myself. I call him "Daddy Shepherd." He doesn't like the title but he knows that God has called him to be a leader of men. Calling men to Christ. He can just relate to all men so well that it just flows from him with out effort. It just amazes me.
He was home this week-Valentines week. We had a blessed time together and he returns to PA (Pennsylvania) on Sunday bright and early for another two weeks.
I love you baby! You are my hero!