Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sweet Sarah


Our sweet Sarah had her birthday party this weekend! She is now 5 1/2ish! Sweet Sarah's official Birthday is in December, actually, 3 days before Christ's! So, that she doesn't get lost in the fast paced holiday stuff, I held off for her real birthday party! AND SHE LOVED IT!

Being 5 1/2 ish she could have her 1st spend the night! She invited 2 little ladies from church and CBS to celebrate!

She chose hot dogs for dinner! Nate grilled them! EASY!

She picked out a watermelon cake with the cutest ants crawling on it from W+++++++. Easy!

She picked a spend the night! I had to do no entertaining! EASY!

She picked to color! I had all those supplies! EASY!

She picked to have 2 WONDERFUL+PERFECT little girls over! EASY!

They played with the balloons! EASY!

The best thing was that I got to read them a good night story: We acted out Chicken Little! Then they listened to a book on tape: "I DON"T WANT TO GO TO BED!" Then, Do you know what they did?!? THEY WENT TO BED!!!!

This morning up they were up and had chocolate chip muffins and then...

Then they went outside to play with the cats!

A sweet sweet birthday party for a SWEET SWEET BABY GIRL!

1 comment:

MamaHen said...

Now that's the way to do a party!

How did she get to be 5 1/2? She is so beautiful!