Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Crying over spilt milk

Today we went on a field trip where I couldn't take pictures. I'm so distressed. I hate when this happens.

Back to reality. Afterwards, we went to a new Walmart, well, new to us.
Very nice, clean, less people than my regular, over crowded, hussel and bussel Walmart.

I had collected all the items on my list. I thought I was doing okay. I kept getting the "look" from some of the other shoppers. Now I admit, we weren't quietest group in there, and probably the largest (me and 4 children). By the time we had picked up our gallon of milk my hair was falling out and my nerves were ready to burst because S & S were on the path of driving me insane. Jumping, hollering, pulling the buggy, riding under the buggy on her stomach (which I have to add, I NEVER let my children do that because I've seen what it does to a little finger when it gets trapped in the wheel.), S was standing on the sides, the back, the front, ALL OVER THE Buggy! I couldn't contain them!

I know your thinking, "This isn't terrible. What's her problem?" Well, I'm SPOILED. I usually get to go BY MYSELF!! It is my calming time, a time of regathering, a time of me NOT talking! A peaceful time. (Hear the birds twittering and the butterflies fluttering past you in a dreamy sort of way?) My only relief. (Sometime, I do take 1 child with me for some "Mommy Time" so I'm not that spoilt.)

Back to my "story."

Somehow, we had made it through and Ch had asked to hit the clearance isle. One of our favorite places. Okay, as of then, we were walking together, no one jumping, hollaring, riding the buggy in some crazy fashion. A moment of sanity. The birds and butterflies were back,

WET SOAKING thourgh my pants>>>>
(Slow motion)
I turn around and see Na & Sm holding hands & their mouths dropping open in a slow


(My peaceful moment GONE!)
They had been jumping the lines on the floor and Na had DROPPED THE GALLON MILK ON THE FLOOR busting it in 2 places!

WHITE MILK was gushing, like Niagara Falls, out all over their (actually) clean floors! We stood there STUNNED and in a silence that was deafening...

I (slow motion again) grabbed up the gallon, thinking I could turn it to a spot in the container with no holes, I only poured MORE milk on myself and onto the floor.

We were standing at the pet section and I turned and started running with milk gushing out making a path for the poor mop handler to follow! In my mind I having a conversation with myself: " Am I helping? Am I creating more mess? I don't know. Just have to run and put it Somewhere! What to do. Stop? Run? Go! Go! To the trash can!" I ran to the garden shop and just threw the gallon into the trash can.

The cashier, a woman of 50ish and very country, said,
"Well sweet heart what happened! It's all over you!"

Thanks Lady.

Now I have to wash my jeans that I just washed. You know the rule. Wear the jeans 2 times then wash. Not today.

An hour later, Sh poured herself a huge glass of ......milk and spilt it all over the china cabinet. :0((( Whaaaaaa..... more milk..

Yes, I'm crying over spilt milk. (Sorry, no picture of this;0))

How was your day? Got any spilt milk stories? I'd love to hear.

Monday, November 9, 2009