Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Best things in life are when :

*your baby boy crawls up in your lap with his blankly and his soft, shiny, blond hair to muzzle your face in.

*when your most handsome hubby brings you a cup of coffee in the morning and a big bear hug.

*when your biggest boy still climbs up in your lap or always has a hug for his Mom

*when your youngest daughter always has a "I love you" in sign language for you

*when your eldest daughter is always your right arm

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Madness Around Me

Yes, the maddness around me! I really got myself into a knot here today. I can't even turn around without some project looking me in the face going "Me! ME next!"
Let's take a tour....
We started out this morning good.. We addressed, stamped, enveloped Valentines for the CBS party on Thurs. "Check!"
Oh but wait... I can't put those away yet because S & S haven't done theirs.... Ch either.
(Note: basket of Valentines, breakfast crumbs still ascrew on the table...,

Next came "oh, I want to make a life sized game board to play as a review for science day tomorrow... "Ch get the paint, brushes and plenty of poster paper to go under the sheet.... " Oh blessings, last night I stopped off at the American Thrift store and picked up a perfect, white, queen sized, flat sheet for $2 for the game board.... ;0) Happy Momma!

Back to table picture::: hairdryer to dry game board and stamps to stamp it & our "start / finish" for the board....)

Is the "Beef Its whats for dinner" running in your mind. If not, get it going....& somewhere in the mess I decided to blog about it....what was I thinking...

Ready set draw squares, figure pattern, paint squares...... oh lunch?



Oh yes, gotta get the cookies in the oven for the CBS parties tomorrow... 4 kids X 4 classes X 24 students = a bunch of cookies..... (Notice the board in the back still waiting on me.... I've got great helpers though....)

"N, You've got dish duty, but you've got to take the plants out of the sink first....."

"Trash out too!"

Oh the rice crispy house is still waiting to be done... "Yes, I promise today will be the day we do it, I promise Sarah...."

Oh no! Candies for teachers...I'll get that too..... insane....
Drats the coffee pot is empty....

Thank God for God and excellent praise music....
"even when the rain rises.... I am washed with the WA-ter.... Even when the storm ..... even when the earth crumbles under me.... even when the my loved ones are trying to crucify me (for doing too much!) .... Even when the rain falls, even when the storm comes.... Even when the floood starts rising... I am washed by the water....... "

Oh that sweet feeling that I can do all things through Him is just pricless! Thank you Jesus. Thanks for the patience that I WILL have today and the joy that we WILL SHARE>>> We WILL make it through!

Is it bed time yet?
Oh, that's right, I'm not done..
"Let's go, second round...!"