Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Apples and Spice and Everything Nice

Sarah and Sam have been reading about an apple farm! Sarah loved it so much that she wanted to make all the recipes in the book! She is a very clever little girl. Her favorite things to spy in books are maps,& recipes! I believe that she will be my World Chef! Sarah loves helping me in the kitchen, except for clean up! However she is getting better. I even let her use the hand mixer to make her cake. She thought she was so big! She's got her sidekick where ever she goes and he is doing everything that she does!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Another day in the Lord's mercy

We just had another good day in the Lord's mercy. I had a busy day all planned out and the Lord just slowed it down a bit! I had high hopes of getting up early and getting a jump on things, but C and J got to go to the World Outreach Center in the Big town of O last night. They didn't get home till nearly 11! They had a wonderful time.

The youth from this church put on "Fatal Exit." It is a play about people who left this world through some fatal exit, and found out that they weren't going to heaven like they thought. It was very eye opening to some of our young youth. I asked C what did she learn from the play. Her response was "Don't drink. Don't show favoritism. Don't......" Which she is correct. These things don't glorify the Father.
There was one part for the "Old Christians" in the crowd that I hope that everyone got. That we are to share the Love of Christ with all His people. (The poor, the snobby, the lonely, the undesirables....) Chloe kept retelling this part of the play where a young lady was killed in some sort of accident and was sent to hell. She returned to the stage, burnt, calling out "Why didn't you just invite me to church? I would have come! Why didn't you just tell me about Jesus? Now I'm here! (hell)" As she was calling out to the audience, she was fighting demons back that were trying to pull her back to hell. Then in another part of the play, some of the new Christians that had died were thanking the ones who shared Christ with them.There was a time of joy! Of praise and happiness felt by these who were going to Heaven.
Oh, by the way, I didn't get to go to the play. This play impacted Chloe very much. The excitement of it ran through her till later in the night.
It really makes you stop and think about who you haven't shared Christ with. The clerk, the check out girl, the gas station attendant, the girl/guy in the drive through window. How many people did we come in contact with that we didn't show the love of Christ through our smile, kind words (not that we were unkind, but an uplifting word wasn't shared) a generous offer to walk an old friend into Walmart after she just had surgery two weeks ago. What chances did I miss to serve my Lord?
"A person should consider us in this way: as servants of Christ and managers of God's mysteries. In this regard, it is expected of managers that each one be found faithful." 1 Corinthians 4:1-2

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All things are possible...

I don't know who created this lovely picture, but today this is how I feel. My hair is a mess. Did I brush my teeth? I think I had a bath---- Wednesday?! My contacts need to be replaced and my eyes are all scratchy.

I need my java, because it is now midnight and my 3 yr. old had a good nap! Thank the Lord for "Bob the builder." I really didn't think I would ever have a child that would be up later than myself.

Sometimes, I don't think that my husband realizes that my day soars at top speed from the time that my eyes pop open till the moment they close. Oh, that song that the funny lady sings to the "What's for dinner--Beef" tune is so my day! Praise God I have Him! My whole day relies on that one verse, "All things are possible through Him who strengthens me." Phil.4:13

Did anything crazy happen today? No, I think. My children have been pleasant and compliant. C made fresh muffins with peanut butter chips, Nate did all his chores with out me really having to follow him around. Our school work is almost complete. Sarah learned to write the letter A today! She is very proud to have accomplished this! I found it all over her drawings and other papers. Sam, well has been Sam. He takes after his father. Every few minuets he says: "Momma, I lovff you." It's really cute when I don't answer him. He'll get a little louder "Hey Momma, I said 'I lovff you'"

The dishes are done and the laundry in the drier.

The coolness of October blows in the windows and no air condition is needed.

Monday, October 13, 2008

We call it Aunt Jo Day!

Aunt Jo visited with us today! Actually, late yesterday afternoon we called her and asked if she would come up and spend the night and the following day with us. She agreed and showed up at our house as a surprise to our children. We had our "Candy Day" along with a night full of board games and other delightful sweets. We, all of us, didn't go to bed till midnight! We were having such fun. We got up around 9 this morning. It was a perfectly dreary day. One that you could sleep all day! After breakfast and the animals were fed, we played in the road! One of our "great aunts" gave the children a large laundry basket full of rackets, balls mitts, etc... that she had gathered over the years for a Christmas present. We have really enjoyed it. Well, that's what we did. We swatted balls back and forth, along with playing Frisbee. I know Jo thought we were nuts. We went to the neighbor's yard to play because it is flat. Our yard is not flat in any direction! After that we went in for a cool drink and played a game of "Clue." Then, around 1:30, lunch time for us, Aunt Jo took us out to Sonic. And we all had ice cream. We visited Micheal's arts and crafts, one of our favorites. We purchased a box of foam craft projects for Christmas and that is what we did for the afternoon. We ended our day with homemade tacos and root beer. We had a wonderful time. Our Aunt Jo is very special to us. She is our only one! Thanks God for giving us Jo.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baptismal Day!

September 28, 2008 my two oldest children were baptized! It was a glorious event. Our church is very small, space wise with no baptistery. Instead, we all met at a family's home and baptized the ones who had asked. There were 4 children and 1 adult that participated. It was a beautiful day and the Lord blessed us with a wonderful turn out of family.
Chloe and Nate have had Jesus in their hearts for many years now. When Chloe was 3, she would stand in front of the TV and preach to anyone who was willing to listen! She was so cute! She accepted Jesus as her Savior when she was 7. She has a real knack of putting God's Word in her heart and recalling it quickly. I am envious of this skill.
Nate accepted Jesus as his Savior at an early age of 3. Many times when they are this young, you are never sure they really get that concept of asking the Lord into their heart, or that they may forget. Nate has always stood firm on this fact and never doubted. He has a wonderful compassionate heart for people and I pray that he never looses that. He loves reading the Bible and many times will ask Dad to sit down and read it with him.
They are both rejoicing in the Lord and growing daily in His wisdom. They both enjoy Bible Study and putting God's Word in their hearts. I can't wait to see the plans that God has made for their lives. May He be glorified.

Elmo's World!

For Sam's 3rd birthday, the Walkers took Sam to see Elmo Live at the bjcc! Sam just loved the entire show! Joshua and Sam danced, sang, hooted and hollered the entire show! They were having the times of their 3 year old lives! Elmo was their favorite. Sam couldn't get over how BIG, Big Bird really was. "He's bigger than Daddy!" Over and over again. Every time he came out on stage! Sarah's favorite of course was Zoe in her pink tutu. My favorite was COOKIE MONSTER!
The whole show was about the new music teacher's truck load of instruments not arriving at Sesame Street. What was she to do without her instruments? All the characters on SS worked together to make this new comer to SS happy again!
Man, it makes you think: shouldn't we all be thinking of each other like that. To take care of each others needs and not our own. Galatians 6:2 says "Carry one another's burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law Christ." Let's be encouraged to take care of others needs.