Sunday, January 18, 2009

We made it through the holidays

Merry Christmas
Sarah the Nurse
Sarah and Chloe play Little Pets
Sarah opens little petsChloe We did make it through the holidays at good speed. We had a great time visiting family.
In January, Mimaw had her birthday and we spent 24 hrs. with her. It is becoming her birthday present every year. The kids and I arrived around 6pm and ate pizza and cake, played domino's and watched movies. Jerome was able to join us late that night after work.

Sarah turned 5 YEARS OLD on Dec. 23. She is so big now. I noticed tonight that she can turn the kitchen faucet on without using the stool. Her little legs are getting so long. She got Little Pets and a baby that "gets a runny nose." She gets to dress up like the nurse and give the baby shots. (I love this shot of her in the old timer glasses.) Speaking of shots, she got 3! Ouch. I took Sam and Sarah in for "birthday" check ups. She weighs 43 lbs and Sam 41 lbs. Can you believe it! Nearly 2 yrs. different and only 2 lbs. different! We went to the pharmacy next to the dr. office and got slushes for a treat. Now, that she is 5 and can write her first name, I took her to the T'ville Lib. to get her very own card. Oh, she is so proud! I'll get those pics posted later. :0)
I've gotten onto "facebook" with Jerome. His sister got one and said that J might enjoy one to make contact with old friends. Some of his old friends are my new friends and asked for my facebook. It has been really fun to see what everybody is doing. Looking forward to making contact with folks.

1 comment:

MamaHen said...

Corla, that picture on the top is sooooo cute. I cannont believe how much Chloe has grown!