Saturday, October 3, 2009

Yard Sale or Bust!

Today, my neighbor and I had a joint yard sale. It was a bust! For me anyhow. I made a whopping $10. The rest went to Hannah home. My neighbor on the other had hand blew me totally out of the water with over $300! Okay, now, I know what your thinking, "She must have had nothing but junk on her table." Well, no! I had Yellow Box pink flip flops, brand new in the box and Hot Tomato black boots STILL in the box! I had good stuff like that! She was selling patio furniture and tools, tables, and big kid items. But despite the hopes of making it big, I made a new friend, my neighbor. Y'all have a good weekend.

Oh, if anyone wears a size 8, 8 1/2 and would like to purchase those shoes, let me know! I'll mail them for free!


Jennifer said...

I think my daughter would really be interested in the shoes - both! much are you asking and do have a picture (just curious!)?? Thanks - and, personally, I've never had a yard sale that was not a bust!! So annoying. :)

smallseven said...

sorry about the yard sale. A few yrs. back, we had a yard sale trying to get some vacation spending money, and made like 2$. My brother and neighbor came by and bought a cup of lemonade from my girls lemonade stand, and that was about it! A total flop for the time I put in it. I won't be doing another one of those things, probably forever! It's great about you getting to know your neighbor better though! Tiff would LOVE those flipflops. She's having a b-day soon if you don't sell them!