Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Pictures from yesterday's post

This is the pasture out our backdoor. It is always quiet. You never hear the whirring of traffic. There is an occasional wild animal like a rabbit or deer. I'll never forget the Easter Bunny showed up one year living in a pile of broken limbs! My mother still giggles about that one! I had to be 7 or so.

When we were out walking Sunday, it reminded me also of the past days when my parents and I would go walking the fence line. Mother gets a good giggle out of that also. She says I always had to pack a lunch. Even if we just ate! I guess I was a boy scout at heart! Those of you who know me now are shaking your heads in agreement aren't you. Always OVERLY prepared.

The perfect Lord allowed me to have just a few moments alone on our walk to capture this beauty. I love butterflies & am very appreciative when I can capture one on film! This one stayed for me nearly 5 min.! It was a true blessing to watch his beauty. His wings were together for a long time and then, as if a nudge from heaven, he gently opened them and warmed his little body in the sun. He was only about 1/2 inch giant!

This is sweet Peter that we had to take to Papa's to live. Notice this time I said to Papa's? My Dad loves pets of all sizes. I think it is my mother we have to tip toe around! J brought Peter home last spring. He was no bigger than our new kittens who were 8 weeks old at the time! He told us that we he returned from his sales route, that one of the fellas had brought this pup into the count down room. He had found it thrown up in the cab of his truck by an unknown person. So he brought it back to the shop. He thought he had a roc on his hands due to it had no tail, or that it's tail had been whacked. J, being the hunting dog expert of the room, explained that it a hound. Needless to say that was the end of those fellows wanting a hunting dog. J brought Pete home and we all fell in love. Unfortunately Pete did learn to climb the fence and then proceeded to snoop through neighbors' garbage and kidnapping stuffed animals from small children! Now Pete has a new home. ;0)

My Mom has the greenest thumb. This is a cactus that we gave her on Mother's Day last year. It has now had 2-3 babies. This is one. I love the gentleness of the leaves and the calming green.

This is one of my Mother's favorite plants, the Camellia. She has two bushes covered in these delicate blooms.

We had a really great time at Mimi's and Papa's!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! I wish I had that green of a green thumb!