Thursday, April 16, 2009

Hello out there! Tap-tap-tap!

Life is really hard when you loose power,
phone and water for a few days!

Easter was beautiful! Then came those dreadful storms! The winds howled and pushed and were ever so powerful! We woke around 2:30 am to hear the trees around our home twisting and creaking. There was an eerie feeling in the air. We laid there for several more min. deciding whether it was bad enough to actually go to the basement or to wait it out.
With in min. the weather turned worse and the snap, pop and bright light of the transformers happened! It was time to go!
The house was clothed in a darkness that was thick as pea soup. I went to the girls' room and quick, yet sternly woke C up and urgently told her we had to get downstairs immediately! She quickly woke, gathered her few things and followed me down the stairs. I had scooped S up in a snap and she never knew we went down. Jerome went to the boys room and gathered them.
We all slept in the floor till about 5:30am.
We woke to Sarah trampling all over us!
She was startled to find herself not in her bed.
We listened and it seemed the wind had died down. That's when we went up stairs, still in darkness, and crawled into our own beds. (Ouch! Lying on concrete floors, even the carpeted ones, are not good for any body!)
In the morning, we woke to find that trees all around us had fallen. Several houses in our neighborhood had them through their roofs, across storage buildings and lying in the streets. God had spared us & everyone directly around us. Thank you Jesus for your protective covering. It wasn't until late Tuesday afternoon that we gained power, and we are still without a phone today. (But we have the Internet?!?)
Over the weekend, we spent time with the Clarks and then later with the Walkers!

I took family portraits of the Clarks. They are wonderful to work with. Each of those babies are beautiful. Mark and Wendy have a love that will last a life time. You can visit Wendy on her blog, Long days, Short years listed on my favorites. I've know this family for 15 years!!!! Wow Wendy! Our children have grown up out of diapers together!

The Clarks

The Walkers are absolute blessings to our family. We hadn't seen them in 3 years! The last time Rona had seen Sam, was when I brought him home from the hospital!
We originally went to church together several years ago. I had the pleasure of working with Rona at the church day care.
Jerome loves spending his time with Gene.
They had been in a men's Bible study together many years ago.
We arrived at dinner and didn't leave till VERY late. (We are so sorry guys. And the next day being Easter! I'm sure your day was long after being up with us. )
Gene, being a Jack of many interest, has been raising meal worms for awhile. They are great for fishing......feeding the birds...What else? I'm not sure. A strange sort of thing, I think. Well, anyway, Nathan got to bring home a souvenir. Yep. Gene sent home a shoe box of worms !!!!!! Now, Nate, being the great fisherman, thinks this is great! Jerome... thinks this is great. Me? Chloe thinks they are GROSS! I might be on board with her. It tickled Nate, it tickled Gene. I'm happy as long as the lid stays on!

Rona and I were loving the chat time. Never running out of things to talk about. I love spending my time with her. Never a wasted moment.

And no picture posted as I promised!

I hope to see you again soon! Thanks family!

God is still providing jobs for us, in case I haven't mentioned it. He started a construction job with a family friend. Working there during the day. At night we are working together with some home schooling families cleaning office buildings. With God's help we will be able to keep up with our monthly bills and give him all the glory. There were times that each of us lost our cool over the whole thing of not having a job. He blessed us with each other to slap some sense into the other one! We have been unemployed for 3 months exactly. And now God has supplied job after job. Anything from mowing grass, painting bathrooms, construction, cleaning, photography. God is a mighty God. Always supplying our needs.

Have a blessed night!

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