Saturday, October 11, 2008

Baptismal Day!

September 28, 2008 my two oldest children were baptized! It was a glorious event. Our church is very small, space wise with no baptistery. Instead, we all met at a family's home and baptized the ones who had asked. There were 4 children and 1 adult that participated. It was a beautiful day and the Lord blessed us with a wonderful turn out of family.
Chloe and Nate have had Jesus in their hearts for many years now. When Chloe was 3, she would stand in front of the TV and preach to anyone who was willing to listen! She was so cute! She accepted Jesus as her Savior when she was 7. She has a real knack of putting God's Word in her heart and recalling it quickly. I am envious of this skill.
Nate accepted Jesus as his Savior at an early age of 3. Many times when they are this young, you are never sure they really get that concept of asking the Lord into their heart, or that they may forget. Nate has always stood firm on this fact and never doubted. He has a wonderful compassionate heart for people and I pray that he never looses that. He loves reading the Bible and many times will ask Dad to sit down and read it with him.
They are both rejoicing in the Lord and growing daily in His wisdom. They both enjoy Bible Study and putting God's Word in their hearts. I can't wait to see the plans that God has made for their lives. May He be glorified.

1 comment:

MamaHen said...

Yeah! You're back! What wonderful pictures of a wonderful moment.