Monday, October 20, 2008

Another day in the Lord's mercy

We just had another good day in the Lord's mercy. I had a busy day all planned out and the Lord just slowed it down a bit! I had high hopes of getting up early and getting a jump on things, but C and J got to go to the World Outreach Center in the Big town of O last night. They didn't get home till nearly 11! They had a wonderful time.

The youth from this church put on "Fatal Exit." It is a play about people who left this world through some fatal exit, and found out that they weren't going to heaven like they thought. It was very eye opening to some of our young youth. I asked C what did she learn from the play. Her response was "Don't drink. Don't show favoritism. Don't......" Which she is correct. These things don't glorify the Father.
There was one part for the "Old Christians" in the crowd that I hope that everyone got. That we are to share the Love of Christ with all His people. (The poor, the snobby, the lonely, the undesirables....) Chloe kept retelling this part of the play where a young lady was killed in some sort of accident and was sent to hell. She returned to the stage, burnt, calling out "Why didn't you just invite me to church? I would have come! Why didn't you just tell me about Jesus? Now I'm here! (hell)" As she was calling out to the audience, she was fighting demons back that were trying to pull her back to hell. Then in another part of the play, some of the new Christians that had died were thanking the ones who shared Christ with them.There was a time of joy! Of praise and happiness felt by these who were going to Heaven.
Oh, by the way, I didn't get to go to the play. This play impacted Chloe very much. The excitement of it ran through her till later in the night.
It really makes you stop and think about who you haven't shared Christ with. The clerk, the check out girl, the gas station attendant, the girl/guy in the drive through window. How many people did we come in contact with that we didn't show the love of Christ through our smile, kind words (not that we were unkind, but an uplifting word wasn't shared) a generous offer to walk an old friend into Walmart after she just had surgery two weeks ago. What chances did I miss to serve my Lord?
"A person should consider us in this way: as servants of Christ and managers of God's mysteries. In this regard, it is expected of managers that each one be found faithful." 1 Corinthians 4:1-2


MamaHen said...

What a great picture of Choe. And wise words from a wise woman

MamaHen said...

Hey! Go check out my blog. I tagged you!