Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Not Again

Well it has happened AGAIN, just a different child this time. Nate has come down with the fever virus this week. His started Sunday at church! Sorry guys! He has laid around for days with terrible fevers. He is also going to miss the Christmas singing at CBS tomorrow! He was actually excited about that too! (This from a child that was going to lose his morning meal the Sunday we dedicated our youngest! Sever stage fright. He has worked very hard to get over it.) He was going to stand and say one of his memory verses. I am still very proud of that, He had great hope to stand & say God's word. GO Nate!
So, with him being sick, I've been back on the couch for 3 nights. Not complaining one bit! Our couches sleep so much better than our bed. I've bedded down with each sick child for the past month, leaving J to snore in the bedroom.
Well, I must adjourn for the night (to my couch!). S & S are now upon me, and it is their bed time and mine.

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